Message from the Chairman August 2020

Posted on July 3, 2020, in: Uncategorized

Break out the bottles, raise the banners and let trumpets sound as bands strike up! Truly, a tale of the fairy variety made manifest; the phoenix of theatre dose rise from the ashes and soars high above Devizes! Our dear little theatre is back in the black after a close encounter with disaster! The call went out and boy, was it answered. We’ve had donations pouring in, generous members and locals passing the hats around, bake sale proceeds, even a monster, overwhelming donation of £10,000 from a P… oh, right, my solicitor advises me on breaking data protection rules there – well, anyway, on behalf of all at the Wharf, THANK YOU!

We’ve around £35,000 in our newly replenished coffers, so, we could survive a lot more lockdown yet – heaven forbid we need to! With the end in sight and usual service to be resumed, we’ll soon be back together at our dear little theatre and all this locking down etc will be as a distant memory. Yes, we’ll soon be printing playbills, but first and most importantly, the long overdue AGM; we’ve one or two things to put to you and one of two things you’d like to discuss – just hold on a little longer! We’re only allowed gathering of 30 people at the moment but rest assured, as soon as we can fill the house, the AGM is top priority.

I’ll finish by thanking everyone who’s donated and helped in whatever fashion they can. Your efforts have made sure that the Wharf isn’t going anywhere. Above all, I must thank Oliver Phipps and Beth Ramsay. These two have been unstoppable and ceaseless in their activity and without their dedication, needless to say, we’d be at a loss. That’s it folks – Keep smiling always!

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