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The Diary of Anne Frank” AUDITION UPDATE

Date: Sunday 26th January

Time: 1.30pm-3.30pm (this may vary slightly depending on numbers)

Venue: The Wharf Theatre

Due to the large number of enquiries we have received about girls auditioning for the role of Anne Frank, we require all attendees to register in advance of the audition day for any role in the play. We want to ensure we know what numbers to expect on the day and that we have a variety of people auditioning for the different roles in the play.


Please email with the following information by Monday 20th January at midday.

Name of person auditioning:

Age (if under 25):

Role/s you wish to be considered for:

Contact mobile number (if adult):

Contact mobile number of parent/guardian (if under 18):

Contact email address (if adult):

Contact email address of parent/guardian (if under 18):

Wharf Membership number:

(If you are not a member and are cast in the play, please note you will need to become a member)

Are you available for the rehearsals and show dates? Please check your diaries for the dates listed below and inform me of any planned absences.

Once registered, you will receive more information about what to do for the audition. Early registration is recommended.

Rehearsals (Sunday rehearsals are 1pm-4.30pm)

Sunday 2nd, 9th, 16th February

Sunday 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd March

Wednesday 26th March 7pm-8.45pm

Wednesday 2nd April 7pm-8.45pm

Tuesday 15th April 7pm-8.45pm

Wednesday 23rd April 7pm-8.45pm

Sunday 27th April 

Wednesday 30th April

Thursday 1st May

6th, 7th, 8th May

Sunday 11th May all day

Show week: 12th – 17th May

Get out: 18th May

Scripts are available for reading in advance. Please return them on the day of the audition.

Please contact John via  to collect one from the theatre.

SYNOPSIS The poignant true story of a young Jewish girl. Anne Frank is a name almost everyone knows. Her diary has sold over 30 million copies worldwide. Her courage, vitality and humour shines through in her diary, which records the 25 months she spent in hiding, in an Amsterdam warehouse attic during World War Two. Anne did not survive the Holocaust. Neither did 1.5 million children. Their legacy lives on, as the Wharf brings Anne’s story to life onstage.
Anne Frank (F)– youngest daughter to the Frank’s, 13 at the beginning of the play, lively, curious, bright. Playing aged 13-14 but could be an actress of any age between 13-25.
Otto Frank (M)– Anne & Margot’s father, patient, calm & positive, close to Anne
Miep Gies (F)– A very well-liked generous helper to the people in hiding. Risks own safety by bringing food and supplies. Playing age flexible.
Edith Frank (F)– Anne & Margot’s mother, reserved, nervous, tricky relationship with Anne
Peter van Daan (M) – son to the van Daan’s, a quiet and nervous teenaged boy. Becomes Anne’s friend and confidant. Could be an actor of any age between 15-25. Margot Frank – Anne’s older sister, modest, quiet; the complete opposite to Anne. Could be an actress of any age between 15-25.
Mr van Daan – Former business partner of Otto Frank. His family is invited to stay in the attic with the Franks. Selfish, and openly critical of others, especially Anne. Mrs van Daan – Mr van Daan’s vain and finicky wife, prizes materialistic things in life.
Mr Dussel – Joins the Frank’s & van Daan’s in hiding; difficult to get along with.
Mr Kraler – A businessman who works with Miep to help protect the people in hiding.

Playing ages are flexible!

Directed by Ali Warren
Date of Auditions Monday 3rd February 2025 7pm Theatre Foyer and Sunday 9th February 1pm Theatre Foyer
Date of production – Monday 23rd – 28th June 2025
14 characters – 4 men 9 women
Chris -40. Chris is at home in crowds, holding court, being the centre of attention. Annie’s best friend
Annie -50s. She has enough edge to be interesting, and enough salt not to be too sweet.
Cora- around 40. Her horizons werebroadened by a college career but she came back pregnant with her tail between her legs. However, impossible to keep her down. It would be helpful if the actress playing Cora can play the piano a bit.
Jessie – 60s/70s. A lover of life. The teacher you will remember.
Celia – anywhere 35 -50. A woman more at home in a department store than in a church hall.
Ruth – 40’s. Eager to please but not a rag doll. Marie’s right hand woman.
Marie – 50’s. The WI is a trophy to her.
John – 50’s. Annie’s husband. A human sunflower.
Rod – 50’s. Chris’ husband. You have to be a certain sort of guy to be with Chris… and he loves it.
Lawrence – 20’s. hesitant without being nerdy. Concerned about the shot.
Lady Cravenshire – 60s. She doesn’t mean to be quite so patronising.
Elaine – 20s. She doesn’t mean to be patronising but Jessie is from another world.
Liam – late 20s. This photo shoot is just another job.

*****Please note that to take part in any Wharf Theatre production, you must be a current member********

Registered charity no. 900417 A Member of the Little Theatre Guild of Great Britain

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