Message from the Artistic Director – August 2020

As I mentioned in the previous newsletter, I have organised a troupe of performers who will have work filmed and these short videos will be released on our Facebook page, YouTube channel, and hopefully, other social media platforms to support the fundraising campaign and to keep the theatre’s profile as high as possible. Filming of these will take place in the next few weeks. Restrictions are beginning to lift but with social distancing still very much in place, anything we do in the theatre itself will be limited. Like all theatres across the land, we are trying to interpret guidelines and work out what is viable. Once we have a clearer idea of this, we will be able to move forwards and hopefully start to produce some small-scale live performances.
Of course, time is needed for selecting, casting and rehearsing. And at this point in time….no singing! Nothing else to report – Stay well everyone.
Artistic Director | Debby Wilkinson