New Wharf Acting Company

Posted on August 15, 2022, in: Uncategorized

Junior Actors Company 

Friday evenings, 9th September – 14th October.

Half term 21st and 28th October.

4th November –  25th November 2022  

4pm – 5pm 

10 week term £75 

This group is for school years 6-9. 

The Junior Actors company will have fun building confidence and gaining skills through drama games and improvisation. Students will rehearse and perform scenes from plays and devise their own work. Students will aim to take LAMDA exams that will eventually provide UCAS points toward university applications. There will be other opportunities to perform at showcases and local performance festivals. These classes are not only an opportunity to develop acting and drama skills but to make friends and become confident young adults. All children will be encouraged to reach their full potential in a safe and inclusive environment. 

For more information and to enrol please email  

Senior Actors Company

Friday evenings, 9th September – 14th October.

Half term 21st and 28th October.

4th November – 25th November 2022

5.15pm – 6.30pm 

10 week term £80 

This group is for school years 10-13 and will be led by Lou Cox. 

The Senior Actors company bridges the gap between school drama offering students further practitioner knowledge, a chance to develop performance skills and many opportunities to take acting exams, perform in festivals and in the Wharf’s very own theatre. It is a chance to work with like minded people once a week who share the same passion for drama. Students will explore theatre through the ages, engage in practitioner acting theories, work with text and devise their own work.  

For more information and to enrol please email  

Adult Actors Company  

Friday evenings, 9th September – 14th October.

Half term 21st and 28th October.

4th November – 25th November 2022

6.30pm – 8pm  

10 week term £80 

This group is for all abilities aged 18+ and will be led by Lou Cox. 

The Adult Actors company allows all participants of all abilities to have time out from adult life to have fun and perhaps rekindle their love of drama from school days. If you are already a seasoned performer, you’ll have the opportunity to expand on performance skills and develop a contextual understanding of practitioner theories looking at theatre throughout the ages. There will be opportunities to perform in the theatre as well as many audition opportunities within the Wharf’s very own company. This class is tailored for mixed abilities allowing everyone to improve in confidence and skill but also have a lot of fun along the way.  

For more information and to enrol please email  

Meet our Theatre Company Director:

Lou Cox

Lou is currently finishing her masters degree in Theatre from Guildford School of Acting. She graduated Bath Spa University with a BA(Hons) in performing arts and has a ACTL teaching diploma from Trinity College London. Career highlights have included theatre tours, Edinburgh festival, singing professionally at Glastonbury festival and stand-up comedy. Lou is now a freelance drama teacher at various schools in the area and is a LAMDA examiner. She also directs and has recently started exciting projects with Banardos adoption agency, using drama as a training tool for adoptive parents and a refugee charity in Swindon.

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